Category Archives: VoIP

VoIP market

VoIP Market

If you want to learn more about the global revenue growth in the VoIP market, here are some important statistics you might want to keep in mind... VoIP or voice over internet protocol technology gives operators the chance to offer

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VoIP audio codec

VoIP audio codecs

Tweet Audio Codecs along with other VoIP technology elements is a very important advance that has made it possible to make voice and video calls from one end of the planet to the other, transforming analog audio signals into digital

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Linux Sip Systems


Linux іѕ one of thе mоѕt popular ореrаtіng systems оut thеrе аftеr thе Wіndоwѕ fаmіlу according to an official statistics. Sip systems and partners collaborated with some other GNU community members conducted an independent research. The result shows that the

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