Monero mining

Generate cryptocurrency From Websites

Monero mining
Monero mining website 

This will not have escaped you, subject of the moment web site monetization side is the arrival of JavaScript that undermine the cryptocurrency in the web pages of our favorite sites. Let’s talk some more about Monero mining webtools.

The concept is relatively simple. For webmaster, it is enough to integrate a small piece of JavaScript code in pages of his site and when a surfer connects to it, this JavaScript participates in cryptographic calculations necessary for production of cryptocurrency. This obviously involves having CPU of Internet users working on site. Wp Monero Miner – wordpress plugin for Monero mining offers easy integration with your website and full customization using friendly GUI interface like silent mode, client CPU consumption – throttle, resolving Captcha or external links. See screenshot below:

Monero mining plugin

Coinhive service (slogan – “Monetize Your Business With Your Users’ CPU Power”) offers good  JavaScript API for this purpose. After registration and generation key pair (public and private), simple JS can be added to your website, for example:

Monetize Your Business

Immediately, Tech’s reaction on the subject was very epidermic and most shouted at scandal. Indeed, in case of Pirate Bay, user is not informed that his computer is used to perform this kind of calculations, and we can understand that it makes cringe because we have a premium on board feeling to be stolen a small piece of his computer (which we probably do not use, by the way). In opposition to this, the site publishers defend themselves by explaining that cryptocurrency mining offers a new business model, alternative to advertising.

Mining cryptocurrencies via a script like CryptoX  is less problematic in some cases than posting ads. Already it does not eat brain time, it does not disfigure site, it does not require interaction with user by asking him to click on stuff and it does not surprise his world by playing an audio file So it surprised me to see that Tech media who live through advertising condemn without any form this techno. In case of The Pirate Bay, actually, it is badly brought because user is not informed and dosage level they pushed cursor and it seems to slow * a little * machine of user. But here we are in same problem of “There’s too much advertising on this page”. It’s like everything, do not abuse.

Monero mining

In an ideal world, I think that if it was done well, with clear warning to user and reasonable computing power not causing significant slowdown by user, it could allow a large number of sites to finally get rid of advertising often ugly and consuming attention. In addition, it would allow some editorials of journalists or some bloggers to gain independence without wondering if what they are going to write will annoy one of their big advertisers or violate adsense policies.

In conclusion Sip Systems recommends use old techniques like showing ads or offering other services (maybe affiliates) to get additional revenue from your website. But we found monero mining solution as type of web-monetization deserves to be interested even if it still has to be refined and integrated with more transparency.

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