CLI routes

Non-Cli vs Cli Routes

CLI routes

Can we use non-CLi or CLi termination? This is a common question that is asked by many. However, the answer to it is plain and simple. CLi routes are known as Business Quality or Business Cli VoIP

Difference between Non-CLi and Business Cli VoIP routes

With the CLi route, as the call goes out, the receiving party is likely to view the Caller ID information. On the other hand, if the route goes out through non-CLi route, then the viewer gets to see some generic number or a blocked call. Call quality is not affected in any manner by having or not having CLI.

Typically, CLi routes are ‘white’ and non-CLi routes have been termed to be ‘grey’. The white route is considered to be a route where VoIP termination taking place is legal on remote end. Hence, it is said to be adequately connected with the telecom infrastructure of the country and is quite stable. Moreover, white routes are known to provide superior quality audio transmission and also are very much reliable at any point of time.

It is just opposite to the grey route which is said to come with some questionable legality on the remote end. Perhaps, it might violate some AUP providers on remote end. It can prove to be more of an ad-hoc setup, using often the cellular or GSM gateways to manage traffic through RF over destination phone network.

An example of the same is often found in telecom routes to any specific foreign country from the USA. It is the government that tends to run the Telecom monopoly in the USA. Therefore, all white (legal) telecom traffic from the US to the country is subjected to rates that are imposed by the monopoly, thereby making it quite expensive. It does add good revenue to monopoly.

Why choose Business Cli VoIP Solutions

For overcoming such restrictions imposed in the USA and other countries, individuals and organizations establish VoIP routers at their homes & offices. USA based telecom traffic is then sent to such VoIP routers through the IP, terminating at local rates to local PSTN. They are found to be significantly much lower when compared to international termination rates which are charged by monopoly carrier.

On foreign end (black), this process is termed to be illegal. However, on USA end (white), it is lawful. Such routes, with black on one end and white on another, it is termed as ‘grey’. But without notice, there are very high chances of grey routes disappearing, terminal calls unexpectedly and/or displaying all kinds of unusual audio behaviors.

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